Uncle Joshie and Aunt Jennie came to visit us. They didn't get in until the evening on Saturday so the 3 of us went to Busch Gardens in the morning and then picked them up at the airport after. We don't pay for parking these days because we're thrifty like that. The first picture is Navie plugging Daddy's nose for him while he carries her through the stinky parking lot we did park in. It was so cute and hilarious, I couldn't resist. Also Navie loves riding rides with her daddy. This is obviously not a great picture of me but Navie wants to take pictures now so she wanted to take one of Jason and I with the elephant. This one was taken right after she told us to move apart because she couldn't even see the elephant! It was so funny! The next day we took Josh and Jennie to the spring we went to last year. It was rather crowded but it was a beautiful day and it felt so relaxing. Unfortunately Navie and Jason were still in school while they were here so we didn't get to do too many things together. But Friday was another wonderful day. Jason took and passed a very important test so we drove to the beach to celebrate. We got some boogie boards and had a blast. Navie even has a mermaid tail. And not to worry, before they left on Saturday we had a little mini photo shoot in the front yard. And yes, we did ask the mailman to take the group shot of us. And will you please just look at how huge Navie is. She wasn't wearing shoes so I picked her up but that doesn't happen too often these days because she's like a giant grown up kid.
Your yard looks so tropical! Wish I could be a visitor soon.