Friday, December 21, 2012

The Big 5!

What a wonderful 5th birthday we had for Navie. Just beware, picture overload.
I spent hours making a delicious 6-layer rainbow cake. It was awesome! But after hours of work,
I watched it melt and collapse in minutes after being in the Florida humidity. Despite the cake's fall, it was still enjoyed by all.
We had some great friends come over for cake, ice cream, and presents.
After opening a few more presents from mom and dad, it was off to Build-A-Bear. Some how I thought we would be able to get through a whole birthday without any princesses but no, what dress did Navie pick for her bear...Rapunzel. It's cool though.
She named her sweet little bear Love-A-Lot and it has been a big hit so far. She wants to go back to the store again soon and buy a Cinderella dress for the bear with her birthday money from grandma and grandpa. We'll see.
It took 5 years (for me) to realize that this little one is not so little anymore. Navie can do pretty much everything by herself these days. Most of the time it is absolutely wonderful, every now and then things don't go so well. She is filled with a great imagination and she is very snuggly. She loves to give hugs and kisses to all her friends, parents and kids a like. She is excited to be a big sister. She loves going to school and she is "starting to read." She is afraid to go into her bedroom to get stuff by herself (but hopefully that will disappear soon). She has grown up to be such a great little kid. I can't wait to see what else is in store for her in the coming years.

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