Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Trip to the Zoo and....

Some friends have been asking to see the bump but rather it is lack of a bump. I promise I am pregnant. I heard the heartbeat and I saw the ultrasound. I went to the gym on Monday and thought I was looking particularly pregnant so I decided to snap a pic when I got home to document. And this is what I saw...
Pretty disappointing. So then I decided to "push it out" and this is what I got.
A little more impressive, isn't it? This is "my bump" at 15 weeks. I promise that is really me. Who would know right... I'll try to get one with my head in it someday. Well now for the zoo, probably what you really wanted to see.
The first Saturday of every month, the Naples Zoo is free for county residents. We didn't have anything going Navie and I went to the zoo. I came home with about 7 pictures. The animals were mostly sleeping and they have a lot of glass to look through...not ideal for pictures or even seeing animals in the first place but anyway. We had a great time. We saw some snakes, gators, bears, and giraffes. There were more animals but these were the highlights.
This is the zoo keeper who actually feeds the alligators from her hand...yep she just tosses it in their mouths, after calling them by name and asking them to walk up onto the bank to get "their food." Pretty cool to watch but there is no way I could do it.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! I can' totally see it, Ange! Especially since the "non-pregnant Angela" has a flat as a board stomach. I'm SO excited to see that growing belly of yours! Looks like you had lots of fun at the zoo!!! Love that cute Navie! She's a doll!
