Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Birthday in Bermuda

Jason says that this was his best birthday yet. I got him some delicious chocolate truffles from Norman Love Confections.
They taste as good as they look!
We also got to jump on cruise ship for a quick trip to the Bahamas. My sister passed on a free cruise deal to us. It was gladly accepted and put to good use. See my new skinnies, who would have thought?
Upon arriving in port at the Bahamas, we saw scooters for rent and we had to take advantage of it. As we were filling out the paperwork, the lady informed us that the scooter didn't have very much gas in it but she assured us that we would be able to make it to the gas station. So we put on our matching black helmets lined with paper towels and headed to the gas station driving on the left side of the road. We learned this the hard way as we entered the first round-about going the wrong way. But we didn't make it to the gas station.
There was a gas station just across the street from where we stopped but it was no longer open. So we began pushing our way back to the port.
After a short jaunt up the road, a man in a Corolla stops next to us to ask what is going on. Being a little shy of how far this man's generosity would go, we yell that we are out of gas and we're taking the scooter back. He then u-turns and pulls in front of us. He gets out and asks for the key. I'm thinking, what is going on? Jason hands over the key and he gets it to start up so the Bahamian/Bohemian gets on the scooter and tells us to follow him in the car.
It wasn't long before the scooter stopped again. And the local man starts pushing the scooter for us.
Meanwhile, Jason and I are following him in the car thinking, where are we? Strangers just let us drive their cars while they push our scooter to the gas station for us. We were driving this beat-up old Corolla. I was hoping that the picture would show the condition of the car but apparently I'm no good at capturing what I want. As it turns out, he was the owner of the rental place and he paid to fill up the tank for us. Bonus!
Once we got the tank filled, we headed to the beach for a little snack.
A few days after coming home, we ate a yummy funfetti cake with Navie.

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