Thursday, December 2, 2010

K-nuffle Navie

Some of you may be familiar with this darling book by Mo Willems. Well they turned it into a musical by adding (alot) to the story. It was quite entertaining and Navie was asking for more when it was over. It was our first real family date night. So Fun!
This is as close as Navie will get to having a Knuffle bunny of her own. They wanted you to pay $20 for that little rabbit. Sorry, not in this life. It was tempting because she was so sweet with it!

Waiting for the show. Glad we had to pay for a third seat so I could put my purse and our coats there.

1 comment:

  1. I want to see that SO bad! I love my dear Knuffle Bunny. They have a third book that's so cute!
