Thursday, December 26, 2013

Fancy Nancy Birthday!

We didn't get to do much celebrating on Navie's actual birthday. Jason had an after work mandatory meeting pop up that day so he didn't get home until bedtime. We let Navie open up one present from us before bed.
She got a new leotard and skirt because we signed her up for dance class.
The next day she opened up all her gifts and went to her to first dance class. I made Orange Chicken for dinner too because that is her favorite meal these days.
(You can tell who the photographer is from picture to picture. Ang zooms in on the subject and Dad makes sure you can see the entire scene.) Then Friday came and the real fun began. Navie and I taped down a red carpet and put up streamers and balloons. Then our darling friends arrived and Navie took them to her room "to get gorgeous." The girls painted nails and chose jewelry and shoes and then each one had a turn to walk the red carpet.
All the fancy friends.
Then the girls each made a picture frame so they could have a picture to remember the fashion show. And then it was cake time. What Fancy Nancy party would be complete without ice cream parfaits? I was pretty excited about the fancy dishes I found to serve the parfaits in.
I love that face!
Our friends were so nice. Navie received so many perfect, fun gifts!
We are so thankful for our happy little 6 year old. She is such a nice girl. She has lost 6 teeth in the past year and has about 2 or 3 more wiggly ones. Navie is still the fanciest kid around. We cannot leave the house without her putting on a scarf, earrings, headband, or necklace. She comes up with some great combinations. She is still perfecting the art of sharing and she still loves her princesses. Navie sings so well and she is loving dance class!

1 comment:

  1. My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. ;) what a splendiforous celebration. That's fancy for an awesome party.
