Tuesday, September 11, 2012

New Car Smell

Isn't it a beaut?! Jason is rather twitterpated with it.
Jason has been searching Craig's List for months for a new car to last us through school with minimal problems. He's wanted jeeps, ghetto little SUV's, convertibles, and don't forget the grandma cars. But finally a reliable Toyota Corolla fell into our laps. It came with relatively low miles for a '97, a stick shift, a tape deck (I know you're jealous), manual windows and door locks and a delightful new smell courtesy of the air freshener pictured below.
When Navie was sitting in the back seat yesterday, she said "Mom, how do you roll the window down, I can't find the button?" This comment made me feel a little old but I laughed so hard. She thought turning the handle was a pretty good idea for rolling the window down...she's such a sensible kid!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ballet Class

We joined the YMCA and signed Navie up for dance class. She loves it! I think we'll do this class over and over again. She gets to wear such fancy clothes, how could we pass that up? I want her to do a swim lesson but I'm not sure she'll go for it...we'll see.
She does such a good job watching the teacher. I love it!